Friday, February 15, 2019


According to the education attorneys at Kirsch-Goodwin & Kirsch, accommodations are provisions that your child needs in order to access and demonstrate his or her learning.  It is important to understand that accommodations do not substantially change the instructional level of the material, the content of the material or the performance criteria.  Rather, accommodations are given in order that a student has equal access to learning and equal opportunity to demonstrate what he or she learns.  Accommodations shall not change the content of the curriculum or a test.  Below are sample accommodations


In the Classroom
· Seat the student at or near the front of the classroom.
· Establish clear, concise classroom rules.
· Increase distance between desks.
· Provide more working desktop space.
· Get student's attention before starting class instruction.
· Give instructions one at a time and check for understanding.
· Minimize visual distractions.
· Reduce auditory distractions, using earphones and ear plugs as options.
· Allow for some standing during seat work.
· Reward activity control by assigning active work or errand.
· Give break between assignments.
For Behaviors
· Make sure there are no additional disabilities.
· Increase supervision at transition times.
· Provide immediate feedback.
· Ignore minor disruptions.
· Don't get involved in disruptive actions or arguments.
· Allow for legitimate movement.
· Use 'time out" or loss of privileges, not detention.
· Set social behavior goals and rewards.
· Determine student's preferred activities.
· Establish a reward/consequence system.
· Recognize strengths in front of other students.
· Check and clean desk regularly.
For Academics
· Ensure the student is at grade level.
· Modify assignments (reduce them or give alternatives).
· Allow the use of marker/highlighter during reading.
· Use multi-sensory techniques such as overhead projectors, colored chalk or markers, video or audio tapes.
· Provide large spaced paper.
· Place piece of tape on desk at an angle for handwriting consistency.
· Allow for a mix of printing and cursive writing.
· Don't expect improvement by copying many times over; provide copies instead of requiring copying.
· Allow for student proctor as a note taker.
· Allow for use of tape recorder during lectures.
· Provide taped textbooks.
· Encourage the use of word processors or typewriters.
· Reduce or eliminate oral instructions.
· Provide additional time for test tasking when needed.
· Allow oral response to test questions.
· Reduce test items per page.
· Encourage use of notebook with dividers.

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